Sunday, October 12, 2008

Orkut Vilaap (incompelete..)

आखिर कब तक
तुम मेरे scrap का reply नही करोगी
कब तक ignore करोगी
मेरा बार बार recent visitors मे दिखना
और कब बंद करोगी free होकर भी status में busy लिखना

Option है तुम्हारे पास
करो 'ignore the user' का इस्तेमाल
तुम्हारे emoticons मुझे सब बतलाते
क्या चल रहे है दिल मे ख्याल

मैंने तो बस तुम्हे poke ही किया था
तुमने वो application ही हटा दी
कुत्ते-बिल्ली के अलावा सारा album lock है
ज़रा यह तो बतायो मैंने ऐसी क्या खता की

अरे dictionary से छाँट छांट के लिखा था
वोह testimonial भी तुमने कर दिया reject
और copy paste वाले giveup testimonial
thank you और colon-bracket के साथ करती हो accept

हाय orkut join ही इसलिए किया था
की बन सकूं तुम्हारा fan
और तुमने दिल तोड़ दिया पूछ कर
'Do i know you man!!'

फ़िर तुमने मुझे add कर लिया
पर add kar के ही रह गई
मै friendhip day पर wait karta रहा
तुम आके happy rakshabandhan कह गई

Friday, August 15, 2008

Old Chess Games

Every noob in chess dreams of being a better chess player. Same with me. When at home, i try to improve my game by playing on yahoo chess(though most of the time i end up chatting than thinking next move). But here in institute all the game servers are blocked.This makes it difficult for beginners like me to play and improve on it. There is a limit you can play with computer. There is one more way to improve on your game-by examining the games of different players. However, for beginners this is difficult to follow because at the start the notation d4c5 doesnot mean much. The decsription is dry and one has to sit with chess board to visualise it(at the starting stage). But not any more. Yesterday, i found a very goof chess site chessgames. This site let you observe the games played by great players. And the description is not in the dry chess notation. It uses some java viewer and you can see every move on the chess board which is more easy to follow. Have a look.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Marx in every student !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was brushing my teeths when my wingie came from behind and said "यार ये दुनिया में क्लास क्यों होती हैं .... कितना अच्छा होत अगर क्लास जैसी कोई चीज़ ही नहीं होती तो "(why should there be classes in the would have been much better place without the classes)..........and i realised...190 years after his birth...141 years after publication of legendary Das Kapital...17 years after defragmentation of USSR...and 40+ years of samuelson as introductory economics textbook.....there is little bit of Marx in every student and no matter how hard capitalist power try,they can't end this.