Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Book Review: Beyond the lines by Kuldeep Nayyar

Kuldeep Nayyar (KN henceforth) was an information officer with Government of India and a journalist/columnist who had a front row seats to many important events in independent India. He wrote many books and columns in his life time. I am currently reading his autobiographical memoir titled: 'Beyond the lines: An Autobiography'. 

Book starts with brief description of his days in Sialkot in Pakistan where his father was a physician and describe the changes in environment as partition day approaches. After the partition, KN had a chance to meet and work closely with many people who were responsible to take many decisions concerning partition and he very skilfully explains the situation as he observed and then justification which people gave at some later day behind their decision which led to those situations. This reflects badly on my lack of knowledge but I was not aware that there were many variables and possibilities considered before partition and although I don't have any deeper understanding of Kashmir issue, at least now I know that I don't know much about Kashmir issue.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Google Translator and Deep learning

I was in Santiago, capital of Chile, in November 2016. It was the first time when I had difficulty in communicating with people because not many speak or understand English. Once I wanted to order pizza and for that I first typed things into my google translator and converted it into spanish and then the nice guy at reception ordered the pizza for me. I like to think of myself as quite technologically literate -- I can design neural nets and what not -- but this was the first time when I realized its power in helping people get through with their day to day work !!! 
NYT has an in depth article covering the introduction of deep learning to google translator with lots of background. It can be accessed here. While I knew almost all the technical information provided in the article, actual implementation in Google was new to me. I am looking forward to many more improvements in future. Good luck to all the people working out there in this field. 

P.S.: I found that comments on blogs on my website are not yet functional. I have therefore  decided to switch back to blogger for now.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Blog alt

It has been long time since I posted anything. Not that I have been not writing. But what I am writing is not relevant to blog. Not that what I have posted yet is relevant to anyone. Yet it feels good to post something. I don't know why. Anyway, I happened to chance upon a tweet which linked to an article and article was interesting and part of it discussed origin of blogger and I felt like sudden urge to come here and type these words and post it. So here I am. Link to the article is this. I am immensely grateful to countless people who posted one thing or other on the net through their blogs. Of course I have come across many useless sited too. But for me experience has been net positive. Apparently people are moving to other mediums of expression. Sited dedicated exclusively to photo sharing, sites where you can pin things etc. I have a personal domain and I also toyed with the idea of moving all my posts their but somehow could not do it. May be it was laziness. Most probably it was laziness. So here I am still posting the post from my blogger account.