Saturday, May 04, 2013

My Short Tryst with MBP

I spent last couple of days using Mac Book Pro. I am now back to my hp Pavillion dv6, running windows 7. I do not intend to ever return to it.

I have been using my laptop for around 3 years. It has served me well so far. Considering the bad treatment I have subjected it to, it has been too gracious to show its anger only through excess heat and occasional shutting down. Few days back I got access to an apple machine in my lab. I am in the middle of finishing up my thesis writing. It obviously involves lots of typing and occasionally running a code or two, many of which I run remotely. Lately, I begin to notice key strokes of my laptops are not what they used to be. So I decide to use Apple machine. I transferred all my necessary stuff to Skydrive, started MBP*, and started typing my thesis. And boy did it felt good. Typing is such a pleasure. Scrolling is so smooth. Keyboard is just of optimum size. Not to mention that Aluminum case and no fan. I was mesmerized. I was hooked.It was not the love at first sight but I am sure it was not in double digit either. But then things started to go from bad to worse. First it was little thing like 'where is my maximize button' or 'why do I always have to go to finder'. Then some serious issues started to emerge. No home/page up/page down !! I reassured my self: I can live with that. Give it some time, long term relationships are built on patience and mutual understanding. I even did learn how to use option key. I somehow managed to enjoy the process. Getting up in the morning, opening the lid and voila, there is the monitor screen all lit up. If you can boot up for me so fast, of course I can push option+click to access right click options. But one thing which deleted my relationship with MBP was, well the lack of delete button. I am in the serious business of writing up something which will constitute most probably most important 100-150 pages of my life and anyone who has ever written any thing even half seriously knows for sure that writing involves more deleting than writing itself and for deleting, back deleting via backspace is as necessary as forward deleting via delete. That was the time I decided it was time to call it quits. And I am back here with my hp and I hope to remain with this till the rest of my life. With all things moving to cloud and me increasingly doing my computations remotely, I do not think this is not doable. MBP was good. It felt good and I am sure had I given it some time, I would have figured out all the things and must have gotten used to all the weird key combinations. Did not I went through all this learning curve when my first laptop arrived ? But it was not worth it. As Bob Marley said something to the effect of: Every one is gonna hurt you. You should decide which one is worth of getting hurt from.

* While looking for some solution on net, I realized it is hip to say MBP and not Mac Book Pro    

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