Friday, June 28, 2013

E Book wish list

I like to read. Books are a favorite. They last longer than a normal blog article, usually covers a topic or idea from start to end, and I get a sense of accomplishment after I finish one. Whenever I try to find a book for reading, I start with a search in the library. If I like it, then I buy it. Sometime I do not find the book in library. Then I buy it. Sometimes these are the books which never get completed. Lately, I have started buying eBooks. I am a convert. I never thought I will ever like an electronic version of book over a dead tree version. Some times it is difficult to wait. But main reason, in my case, is size of book. Some of the books which runs into 500+ pages and it is very cumbersome to carry them around. Some books, however, are still not available in electronic format. Here I am maintaining a list I wish to see in electronic format:

  • A Suitable Boy
  • Kinetics of Materials
  • Raag Darbari
  • Mujhe Chand Chahiye

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